Category: Tutorial

Cum sa faci sa nu te prinda politia cu chestii piratate?

Pai e simplu:
encrypt all the hard drives

Nu trebuie sa fii geniu. Trebuie doar sa ai 1 (unu) program instalat, o parola buna (parola poate fi: o parola text, un fisier, mai multe fisiere, atat timp cat acele fisiere nu se modifica)

Băieții de meserie au recunoscut FULL DISK ENCRYPTION este greu de decodat, mai mult esti obligat sa le zici parola (sa speram).

Singuru program de criptat pe care il recomand este TrueCrypt, de ce:
1. e facut de niste baieti anonimi
2. e usor de folosit
3. nu are backdoor
4. e realtime
5. e cross platform

Ok, deci ideea e ca poti sa iti iei windowsul deja instalat si sa il cryptezi, inainte de butare sa fi nevoie sa iti introduci parola.

Dezavantaje: daca faci full disk encryption pierzi un pic din viteza, la o combinatie de 3 algoritmi AES-Towfish-Serpent cu 512MB RAM mie imi encrypta/decrypta cu 10MB/s (era un HDD extern pe un laptop vechi).

Asta e doar o mica parere. Nu am full disk encryption dar am un hard encryptat, un stick si un fisier de 5GB unde tin niste ….. chestii.

de citit

Google Adsense for domains on Dreamhost

Since Dreamhost doesn’t have this feature as one click install like you get when installing Google Apps, you have to do it manually (bleah… manual work sucks).

Here is a tutorial in 10 easy steps and images (cool huh ?):

1. Go to Domains -> Manage Domains in your DreamHost account and select your domain:manage_domains

2. Hit the Delete Button (This will delete the association between an user and a domain) dns

and you will get something like the picture above

3. Click DNS

4. And you will need to edit here, leave the nameservers alonecustom

5. now in the Name field add: www, select Type:  CNAME and Value: where pub-xxxxxxxxx is your unique Adsense for Domains ID (you’ll find this on the Adsense Setup-Adsense for Domains). Example belowcustom_fill

6. After adding that DNS now is strait forward, you just need to add 4 more DNS records


Host Name/Alias Record Type Value/Destination
LEAVE BLANK A (address)
LEAVE BLANK A (address)
LEAVE BLANK A (address)
LEAVE BLANK A (address)

8.  LEAVE BLANK means not to write a darn thing, Adsense guide says to enter an @ but is better not to do ita_dns
9. After you added all, go to
10. Send me a beer if it helped at