1. Ştiam eu că e bazat pe google! XD

    Al dracu’ browser!

  2. pana si mama stie ce e un “search engine”, ok ca nu a stiut ce e un browser o inteleg, da totusi ce americani idioti…

  3. Nu e bazat pe google… ar fi culmea 🙂
    tot ce face microsoft este sa se foloseasca de faptul ca ‘google’ a intrat in dictionarul englez cu sensul de ‘a cauta pe internet’…
    m-as mira sa nu se atace baietii de la BigG

  4. i have been using the BING search engine for a couple of weeks. Bings seems to be as good as Google but for some reason i would still want to stick with Google search engine ,-

  5. i am using both Bing and Google and i think both search engines give relevant search results. i would still prefer Google though, because it gives a little bit more relevant search results than Bing.

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